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发布日期:2021-06-21    作者:     来源:    点击:






l 2012.9–2016.6,北京工业大学,生物医学工程,博士(导师:吴水才 教授)

l 2005.9–2008.6,四川大学,生物医学工程,硕士(导师:汪天富 教授)

l 2001.9–2005.7,合肥工业大学,生物医学工程,学士


l 2019.7–现在, 北京工业大学,生物医学工程系,副研究员

l 2017.6–2019.7,北京工业大学,生物医学工程系,讲师

l 2016.6–2018.4,北京工业大学,师资博士后(合作导师:贾克斌 教授)

l 2013.9–2014.2,台湾长庚大学,访问博士生(合作导师:林仲志 教授、崔博翔 教授)

l 2010.5–2012.8,北京天惠华数字技术有限公司,超声设备软件研发工程师

l 2008.7–2010.4,深圳市理邦精密仪器股份有限公司,超声设备软件研发工程师


l 医学超声工程

l 医学人工智能

l 医疗机器人

l 医学信号处理

l 医学图像处理


l 本科生:《数字信号处理基础》

l 研究生:《研究生论文写作指导》


l 2022年北京市普通高等学校优秀本科生毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师

l 2022年北京工业大学本科优秀毕业设计(论文)指导教师

l 2022年北京工业大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教师

l 2022年北京工业大学就业创业工作先进个人

l 2022年北京工业大学立德树人毕业班优秀班主任标兵

l 2022年北京工业大学优秀教师

l 2021年北京工业大学本科优秀毕业设计(论文)指导教师

l 2020年度北京高等学校高水平人才交叉培养实培计划成果认定

l 2020年北京工业大学立德树人优秀班主任

l 2019年北京工业大学本科招生工作先进个人

l 2019年北京工业大学立德树人优秀班主任

l 2019年英国物理学会(IOP) “Outstanding Reviewer”

l 2016年北京市普通高等学校优秀毕业生

l 2016年北京工业大学优秀博士学位论文


l 国家自然科学基金青年项目,肝纤维化合并脂肪肝超声背散射统计参数成像评估方法研究,28万元,主持,2019.1-2021.12

l 北京市自然科学基金面上项目,儿童脂肪肝超声散射组学评估方法研究,20万元,主持,2022.1-2024.12

l 北京市自然科学基金青年项目,基于超声散射子多参数成像的乳腺钙化点检测新方法研究,10万元,主持,2018.1-2019.12

l 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,CT引导肝肿瘤射频消融术中导航新方法研究,5万元,主持,2017.11-2018.4

l 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于外泌体TGFIL-1通路胰腺癌化疗耐药机制研究及超声影像组学预测模型构建,55万元,参与,2022.1-2025.12

l 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于散射子多参数超声成像的肝肿瘤微波消融治疗实时监测新方法及系统研究,63万元,参与,2019.1-2022.12




l Yan Zeng#, Po-Hsiang Tsui#, Kunjing Pang, Guangyu Bin, Jiehui Li, Ke Lv, Xining Wu, Shuicai Wu*, and Zhuhuang Zhou*, “MAEF-Net: multi-attention efficient feature fusion network for left ventricular segmentation and quantitative analysis in two-dimensional echocardiography,” Ultrasonics, Vol. 127, Article ID 106855, 2023. (SCI)

l Xining Wu, Ke Lv, Shuicai Wu, Dar-In Tai, Po-Hsiang Tsui*, and Zhuhuang Zhou*, “Parallelized ultrasound homodyned-K imaging based on a generalized artificial neural network estimator,” Ultrasonics, Vol. 132, Article ID 106987, 2023. (SCI)

l Sinan Li, Zhuhuang Zhou*, Shuicai Wu*, and Weiwei Wu, “Ultrasound homodyned-K contrast-weighted summation parametric imaging based on H-scan for detecting microwave ablation zones,” Ultrasonic Imaging, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 119-135, 2023. (SCI)

l Zhuhuang Zhou, Ke Lv*, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Editorial: recent advances in artificial intelligence-empowered ultrasound tissue characterization for disease diagnosis, intervention guidance, and therapy monitoring,” Frontiers in Physiology, Vol. 14, Article ID 1234611, 2023. (SCI)


l Sinan Li#, Po-Hsiang Tsui#, Shuang Song, Weiwei Wu, Zhuhuang Zhou*, and Shuicai Wu*, “Detection of microwave ablation coagulation areas using ultrasound Nakagami imaging based on Gaussian pyramid decomposition: a feasibility study,” Ultrasonics, Vol. 124, Article ID 106758, 2022. (SCI)

l Zhuhuang Zhou, Zijing Zhang, Anna Gao, Dar-In Tai, Shuicai Wu*, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Liver fibrosis assessment using radiomics of ultrasound homodyned-K imaging based on the artificial neural network estimator,” Ultrasonic Imaging, Vol. 44, No. 5-6, pp. 229-241, 2022. (SCI)

l Sinan Li, Zhuhuang Zhou*, Shuicai Wu*, and Weiwei Wu, “A review of quantitative ultrasound-based approaches to thermometry and ablation zone identification over the past decade,” Ultrasonic Imaging, Vol. 44, No. 5-6, pp. 213-228, 2022. (SCI)

l Jui Fang#, Ming-Wei Lai#, Hao-Tsai Cheng, Anca Cristea, Zhuhuang Zhou*, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Imaging the effects of whole-body vibration on the progression of hepatic steatosis by quantitative ultrasound based on backscatter envelope statistics,” Pharmaceutics, Vol. 14, No. 4, Article ID 741, 2022. (SCI)

l Yong Huang, Yan Zeng, Guangyu Bin, Qiying Ding, Shuicai Wu, Dar-In Tai, Po-Hsiang Tsui*, and Zhuhuang Zhou*, “Evaluation of hepatic fibrosis using ultrasound backscattered radiofrequency signals and one-dimensional convolutional neural networks,” Diagnostics, Vol. 12, No. 11, Article ID 2833, 2022. (SCI)

l Rui Yu, Zhuhuang Zhou, Shuicai Wu, Xiaorong Gao, and Guangyu Bin*, “MRASleepNet: A multi-resolution attention network for sleep stage classification using single-channel EEG,” Journal of Neural Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 6, Article ID 066025, 2022. (SCI)

l Chioa-Yin Wang#, Zhuhuang Zhou#, Yu-Hsuan Chang, Ming-Chih Ho, Chiu-Min Lu, Chih-Horng Wu, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Ultrasound single-phase CBE imaging for monitoring radiofrequency ablation of the liver tumor: a preliminary clinical validation,” Frontiers in Oncology, Vol. 12, Article ID 894246, 2022. (SCI)

l Renzhi Zhang, Wei Wei, Rang Li, Jing Li, Zhuhuang Zhou, Menghang Ma, Rui Zhao, and Xinming Zhao*, “An MRI-based radiomics model for predicting the benignity and malignancy of BI-RADS 4 breast lesions,” Frontiers in Oncology, Vol. 11, Article ID 733260, 2022. (SCI)

l Zihan Lin, Po-Hsiang Tsui, Yan Zeng, Guangyu Bin, Shuicai Wu, and Zhuhuang Zhou*, “CLA-U-Net: convolutional long-short-term-memory attention-gated u-net for automatic segmentation of the left ventricle in 2-D echocardiograms,” 2022 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), doi: 10.1109/IUS54386.2022.9958784 (4 pages). (EI)


l Zhuhuang Zhou, Anna Gao, Weiwei Wu, Dar-In Tai, Jeng-Hwei Tseng, Shuicai Wu*, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Parameter estimation of the homodyned K distribution based on an artificial neural network for ultrasound tissue characterization,” Ultrasonics, Vol. 111, Article ID 106308, 2021. (SCI)

l Yan Zeng#, Po-Hsiang Tsui#, Weiwei Wu, Zhuhuang Zhou*, and Shuicai Wu*, “Fetal ultrasound image segmentation for automatic head circumference biometry using deeply-supervised attention-gated V-Net,” Journal of Digital Imaging, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 134–148, 2021. (SCI)

l Shuang Song#, Po-Hsiang Tsui#, Weiwei Wu, Shuicai Wu*, and Zhuhuang Zhou*, “Monitoring microwave ablation using ultrasound homodyned K imaging based on the noise-assisted correlation algorithm: an ex vivo study,” Ultrasonics, Vol. 110, Article ID 106287, 2021. (SCI)

l Yu-Wei Tsai#, Zhuhuang Zhou#, Cihun-Siyong Alex Gong, Dar-In Tai, Anca Cristea, Yu-Ching Lin, Ya-Chun Tang, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Ultrasound detection of liver fibrosis in individuals with hepatic steatosis using the homodyned K distribution,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 84-94, 2021. (SCI)

l Hsien-Jung Chan#, Zhuhuang Zhou#, Jui Fang, Dar-In Tai, Jeng-Hwei Tseng, Ming-Wei Lai, Bao-Yu Hsieh, Tadashi Yamaguchi, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Ultrasound sample entropy imaging: a new approach for evaluating hepatic steatosis and fibrosis,” IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, Vol. 9, Article ID 1800612, 2021. (SCI)

l Qiyu Zhang, Shuicai Wu, Dar-In Tai, Zhuhuang Zhou*, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Ultrasonic evaluation of liver fibrosis coexisting with hepatic steatosis using the homodyned K distribution combined with noise-modulated empirical mode decomposition,” 2021 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), doi: 10.1109/IUS52206.2021.9593695 (4 pages). (EI)

l Anna Gao, Shuicai Wu, Dar-In Tai, Zhuhuang Zhou*, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Ultrasonic evaluation of liver fibrosis using the homodyned K distribution with an artificial neural network estimator,” 2021 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), doi: 10.1109/IUS52206.2021.9593684 (4 pages). (EI)

l Yan Zeng, Po-Hsiang Tsui, Weiwei Wu, Zhuhuang Zhou*, and Shuicai Wu*, “MAEF-Net: multi-attention efficient feature fusion network for deep learning segmentation,” 2021 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), doi: 10.1109/IUS52206.2021.9593599 (4 pages). (EI)


l Zhuhuang Zhou#, Jui Fang#, Anca Cristea, Ying-Hsiu Lin, Yu-Wei Tsai, Yung-Liang Wan, Kee-Min Yeow, Ming-Chih Ho*, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Value of homodyned K distribution in ultrasound parametric imaging of hepatic steatosis: an animal study,” Ultrasonics, Vol. 101, Article ID 106001, 2020. (SCI)

l Zhuhuang Zhou, Anna Gao, Qiyu Zhang, Weiwei Wu, Shuicai Wu*, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Ultrasound backscatter envelope statistics parametric imaging for liver fibrosis characterization: a review,” Ultrasonic Imaging, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 92–109, 2020. (SCI)

l Kun Yang, Qiang Li, Hao-Li Liu, Chin-Kuo Chen, Cheng-Wei Huang, Jheng-Ru Chen, Yu-Wei Tsai, Zhuhuang Zhou*, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Frequency-domain CBE imaging for ultrasound localization of the HIFU focal spot: a feasibility study,” Scientific Reports, Vol. 10, Article ID 5468, 2020. (SCI)

l Minggang Shao, Zhuhuang Zhou, Guangyu Bin, Yanping Bai, and Shuicai Wu*, “A wearable electrocardiogram telemonitoring system for atrial fibrillation detection,” Sensors, Vol. 20, No. 3, Article ID 606, 2020. (SCI)

l Guanghong Bin, Shuicai Wu, Minggang Shao, Zhuhuang Zhou, and Guangyu Bin*, “IRN-MLSQR: An improved iterative reweight norm approach to the inverse problem of electrocardiography incorporating factorization-free preconditioned LSQR,” Journal of Electrocardiology, Vol. 62, pp. 190-199, 2020. (SCI)


l Zhuhuang Zhou, Qiyu Zhang, Weiwei Wu, Ying-Hsiu Lin, Dar-In Tai, Jeng-Hwei Tseng, Yi-Ru Lin, Shuicai Wu*, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Hepatic steatosis assessment using ultrasound homodyned-K parametric imaging: the effects of estimators,” Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, Vol. 9, No. 12, pp. 1932–1947, 2019. (SCI)

l Zhuhuang Zhou, Yue Wang, Shuang Song, Weiwei Wu, Shuicai Wu*, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Monitoring microwave ablation using ultrasound echo decorrelation imaging: an ex vivo study,” Sensors, Vol. 19, No. 4, Article ID 977, 2019. (SCI)

l Zhuhuang Zhou, Qiyu Zhang, Weiwei Wu, Shuicai Wu*, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Hepatic steatosis assessment using quantitative ultrasound parametric imaging based on backscatter envelope statistics,” Applied Sciences-Basel, Vol. 9, No. 4, Article ID 661, 2019. (SCI)

l Yali Ouyang#, Po-Hsiang Tsui#, Shuicai Wu, Weiwei Wu, and Zhuhuang Zhou*, “Classification of benign and malignant breast tumors using H-scan ultrasound imaging,” Diagnostics, Vol. 9, No. 4, Article ID 182, 2019. (SCI)

l Rui Zhang, Shuicai Wu, Weiwei Wu, Hongjian Gao, and Zhuhuang Zhou*, “Computer-assisted needle trajectory planning and mathematical modeling for liver tumor thermal ablation: a review,” Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 4846–4872, 2019. (SCI)

l Yali Ouyang, Zhuhuang Zhou, Weiwei Wu, Jin Tian, Feng Xu, Shuicai Wu*, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “A review of ultrasound detection methods for breast microcalcification,” Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 1761–1785, 2019. (SCI)

l Li Yuan, Yanchao Yuan, Zhuhuang Zhou, Yanping Bai, and Shuicai Wu*, “A fetal ECG monitoring system based on the Android smartphone,” Sensors, Vol. 19, No. 3, Article ID 446, 2019. (SCI)

l Chung-Chih Lin*, Yi-Shin Liou, Zhuhuang Zhou, and Shuicai Wu, “Intelligent exercise guidance system based on smart clothing,” Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, Vol. 39, No. 5, pp. 702-712, 2019. (SCI)

l Hongjian Gao, Xiaoru Wang, Shuicai Wu*, Zhuhuang Zhou, Yanping Bai, and Weiwei Wu, “Conformal coverage of liver tumors by the thermal coagulation zone in 2450-MHz microwave ablation,” International Journal of Hyperthermia, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 591-605, 2019. (SCI)

l Hongjian Gao, Xiaoru Wang, Shuicai Wu*, Zhuhuang Zhou, Yanping Bai, and Haiming Ai, “Characterization of 2450-MHz microwave thermal coagulation zone based on characteristic length growth model and shape variation factor,” International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 6, Article ID e21705, 2019. (SCI)

l Hongjian Gao, Xiaoru Wang, Shuicai Wu*, Zhuhuang Zhou, and Yanping Bai, “2450-MHz microwave ablation temperature simulation using temperature-dependence feedback of characteristic parameters,” International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 1, Article ID e21488, 2019. (SCI)

l Xiaoru Wang, Hongjian Gao*, Shuicai Wu, Tao Jiang, Zhuhuang Zhou, and Yanping Bai, “Numerical evaluation of ablation zone under different tip temperatures during radiofrequency ablation,” Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 2514-2531, 2019. (SCI)


l Zhuhuang Zhou, Dar-In Tai, Yung-Liang Wan, Jeng-Hwei Tseng, Yi-Ru Lin, Shuicai Wu, Kuen-Cheh Yang, Yin-Yin Liao, Chih-Kuang Yeh, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Hepatic steatosis assessment with ultrasound small-window entropy imaging,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 44, No. 7, pp. 1327–1340, 2018. (SCI)

l Zhuhuang Zhou, Shuicai Wu, Man-Yen Lin, Jui Fang, Hao-Li Liu*, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Three-dimensional visualization of ultrasound backscatter statistics by window-modulated compounding Nakagami imaging,” Ultrasonic Imaging, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 171–189, 2018. (SCI)

l Rui Zhang, Zhuhuang Zhou, Weiwei Wu, Chung-Chih Lin, Po-Hsiang Tsui, and Shuicai Wu*, “An improved fuzzy connectedness method for automatic three-dimensional liver vessel segmentation in CT images,” Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Vol. 2018, Article ID 2376317, 2018. (SCI)

l Li Yuan, Zhuhuang Zhou, Yanchao Yuan, and Shuicai Wu*, “An improved FastICA method for fetal ECG extraction,” Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Vol. 2018, Article ID 7061456, 2018. (SCI)

l Jui Fang, Zhuhuang Zhou, Ning-Fang Chang, Yung-Liang Wan*, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Ultrasound parametric imaging of hepatic steatosis using the homodyned-K distribution: an animal study,” Ultrasonics, Vol. 87, pp. 91–102, 2018. (SCI)

l Chung-Chih Lin*, Chih-Yu Yang, Zhuhuang Zhou, and Shuicai Wu, “Intelligent health monitoring system based on smart clothing,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. 14, No. 8, Article ID 1550147718794318, 2018. (SCI)

l Xiaoru Wang, Hongjian Gao*, Shuicai Wu, Yanping Bai, and Zhuhuang Zhou, “RF ablation thermal simulation model: parameter sensitivity analysis,” Technology and Health Care, Vol. 26, No. S1, pp. S179-S192, 2018. (SCI)

l Minggang Shao, Guangyu Bin*, Shuicai Wu, Guanghong Bin, Jiao Huang, and Zhuhuang Zhou, “Detection of atrial fibrillation from ECG recordings using decision tree ensemble with multi-level features,” Physiological Measurement, Vol. 39, No. 9, Article ID 094008, 2018. (SCI)


l Zhuhuang Zhou, Weiwei Wu, Shuicai Wu*, Kebin Jia, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “A review of ultrasound tissue characterization with mean scatterer spacing,” Ultrasonic Imaging, Vol. 39, No. 5, pp. 263–282, 2017. (SCI)

l Zhuhuang Zhou, Weiwei Wu, Shuicai Wu, Kebin Jia, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Empirical mode decomposition of ultrasound imaging for gain-independent measurement on tissue echogenicity: a feasibility study,” Applied Sciences-Basel, Vol. 7, No. 4, Article ID 324, 2017. (SCI)

l Po-Hsiang Tsui*, Zhuhuang Zhou, Ying-Hsiu Lin, Chieh-Ming Hung, Shih-Jou Chung, and Yung-Liang Wan*, “Effect of ultrasound frequency on the Nakagami statistics of human liver tissues,” PLoS ONE, Vol. 12, No. 8, Article ID e0181789, 2017. (SCI)

l Yi-Da Liu, Qiang Li, Zhuhuang Zhou, Yao-Wen Yeah, Chien-Cheng Chang*, Chia-Yen Lee, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Adaptive ultrasound temperature imaging for monitoring radiofrequency ablation,” PLoS ONE, Vol. 12, No. 8, Article ID e0182457, 2017. (SCI)

l Weiwei Wu, Shuicai Wu*, Zhuhuang Zhou, Rui Zhang, and Yanhua Zhang, “3D liver tumor segmentation in CT images using improved fuzzy C-means and graph cuts,” BioMed Research International, Vol. 2017, Article ID 5207685, 2017. (SCI)

l Hongjian Gao, Shuicai Wu*, Xiaoru Wang, Rui Hu, Zhuhuang Zhou, and Xuecong Sun, “Temperature simulation of microwave ablation based on improved specific absorption rate method compared to phantom measurements,” Computer Assisted Surgery, Vol. 22, No. S1, pp. 9–17, 2017. (SCI)


l Weiwei Wu, Zhuhuang Zhou, Shuicai Wu*, and Yanhua Zhang, “Automatic liver segmentation on volumetric CT images using supervoxel-based graph cuts,” Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Vol. 2016, Article ID 9093721, 2016. (SCI)

l Hsiang-Yang Ma#, Zhuhuang Zhou#, Shuicai Wu, Yung-Liang Wan*, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “A computer-aided diagnosis scheme for detection of fatty liver in vivo based on ultrasound kurtosis imaging,” Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 40, No. 1, Article ID 33, 2016. (SCI)

l Po-Hsiang Tsui*, Chiao-Yin Wang, Zhuhuang Zhou, and Yung-Liang Wan*, “Monitoring radiofrequency ablation using ultrasound envelope statistics and shear wave elastography in the periablation period: an in vitro feasibility study,” PLoS ONE, Vol. 11, No. 9, Article ID e0162488, 2016. (SCI)


l Zhuhuang Zhou, Shuicai Wu*, Chiao-Yin Wang, Hsiang-Yang Ma, Chung-Chih Lin, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Monitoring radiofrequency ablation using real-time ultrasound Nakagami imaging combined with frequency and temporal compounding techniques,” PLoS ONE, Vol. 10, No. 2, Article ID e0118030, 2015. (SCI)

l Zhuhuang Zhou*, Shuicai Wu, Chunlan Yang, and Po-Hsiang Tsui, “Stress decay, imaging plane and gas bubble need to be considered when using ultrasound strain elastography to monitor hepatic ablations,” Academic Radiology, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 265–265, 2015. (SCI)

l Zhuhuang Zhou#, Shuicai Wu#, King-Jen Chang*, Wei-Ren Chen, Yung-Sheng Chen*, Wen-Hung Kuo, Chung-Chih Lin, and Po-Hsiang Tsui, “Classification of benign and malignant breast tumors in ultrasound images with posterior acoustic shadowing using half-contour features,” Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 178–187, 2015. (SCI) [2015 JMBE Annual Excellent Paper Award]

l Man Zhang, Zhuhuang Zhou, Shuicai Wu*, Lan Lin, Hongjian Gao, and Yusheng Feng*, “Simulation of temperature field for temperature-controlled radio frequency ablation using a hyperbolic bioheat equation and temperature-varied voltage calibration: a liver-mimicking phantom study,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 60, No. 24, pp. 9455–9471, 2015. (SCI)


l Zhuhuang Zhou#, Chih-Chung Huang#, K. Kirk Shung, Po-Hsiang Tsui*, Jui Fang, Hsiang-Yang Ma, Shuicai Wu, and Chung-Chih Lin, “Entropic imaging of cataract lens: an in vitro study,” PLoS ONE, Vol. 9, No. 4, Article ID e96195, 2014. (SCI)

l Zhuhuang Zhou, Weiwei Wu, Shuicai Wu*, Po-Hsiang Tsui*, Chung-Chih Lin, Ling Zhang, and Tianfu Wang, “Semi-automatic breast ultrasound image segmentation based on mean shift and graph cuts,” Ultrasonic Imaging, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 256–276, 2014. (SCI)

l Zhuhuang Zhou, Weiwei Wu, Shuicai Wu*, Jingjing Xia, Chiao-Yin Wang, Chunlan Yang, Chung-Chih Lin, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “A survey of ultrasound elastography approaches to percutaneous ablation monitoring,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H Journal of Engineering in Medicine, Vol. 228, No. 10, pp. 1069–1082, 2014. (SCI)

l Xiaonan Geng#, Zhuhuang Zhou#, Qiang Li, Shuicai Wu, Chiao-Yin Wang, Hao-Li Liu, Ching-Cheng Chuang, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Comparison of ultrasound temperature imaging with infrared thermometry during radio frequency ablation,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 53, No. 4, Article ID 047001, 2014. (SCI)

l Po-Hsiang Tsui*, Hsiang-Yang Ma, Zhuhuang Zhou, Ming-Chih Ho, and Yu-Hsin Lee, “Window-modulated compounding Nakagami imaging for ultrasound tissue characterization,” Ultrasonics, Vol. 54, No. 6, pp. 1448–1459, 2014. (SCI)

l Jingjing Xia, Qiang Li, Pin-Yu Chen, Zhuhuang Zhou, Chiao-Yin Wang, Hao-Li Liu, Jianfu Teng, and Po-Hsiang Tsui*, “Considering angle selection when using ultrasound electrode displacement elastography to evaluate radiofrequency ablation of tissues,” BioMed Research International, Vol. 2014, Article ID 764320, 2014. (SCI)


l Zhuhuang Zhou#, Lei Sheng#, Shuicai Wu*, Chunlan Yang, and Yi Zeng, “Ultrasonic evaluation of microwave-induced thermal lesions based on wavelet analysis of mean scatterer spacing,” Ultrasonics, Vol. 53, No. 7, pp. 1325–1331, 2013. (SCI)

l Shuicai Wu*, Yanni Shen, Zhuhuang Zhou, Lan Lin, Yanjun Zeng*, and Xiaofeng Gao, “Research of fetal ECG extraction using wavelet analysis and adaptive filtering,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 43, No. 10, pp. 1622–1627, 2013. (SCI)
