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发布日期:2022-11-28    作者:     来源:    点击:





2018年9月-2022年6月, 北京理工大学,生物医学工程,博士,2022年北京市优秀毕业生 

2019年9月-2020年10月, 耶鲁大学,获留学基金委资助联合培养

2014年9月-2017年6月, 北京工业大学,生物医学工程,硕士

2010年9月-2014年6月, 北京工业大学,通信工程,学士


2017年7月-2018年8月, 京东方智慧医工研究院,生理信号分析算法工程师

2022年7月-至今, 北京工业大学,环境与生命学部,从事教学科研工作


脑科学神经影像分析: 通过磁共振影像研究1)情感识别、奖惩机制、社交感知、语义理解等认知功能个体差异;2)酒精、可卡因等物质成瘾导致认知损伤的影像学机理;3)胎儿宫内脑发育模式。









[1] Li G, et al. Cognitive challenges best distinguish binge and non-binge drinking: a machine learning study of multiple behavioral tasks and algorithms[J]. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. (JCR 1区,IF = 5.1)

[2] Li G, et al. Loss and frontal striatal reactivities interrelate alcohol use severity and rule-breaking behavior in young adult drinkers[J]. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. (JCR 1区,Top,IF = 6.1)

[3] Li G, Zhang S, Le T M, et al. Neural responses to negative facial emotions: Sex differences in the correlates of individual anger and fear traits[J]. NeuroImage,2020, 221: 117171-117171. (JCR 1区,Top,IF = 7.4)

[4] Li G, Chen Y, Le T M, et al. Perceived friendship and binge drinking in young adults: A study of the Human Connectome Project data[J]. Drug and Alcohol Dependence,2021, 224: 108731. (JCR 1区,Top,IF = 4.9)

[5] Li G, Le T M, Wang W, et al. Perceived stress, self-efficacy, and the cerebral morphometric markers in binge-drinking young adults[J]. NeuroImage: Clinical,2021, 32: 102866. (JCR 2区,Top,IF = 4.9)

[6] Li G, Chen Y, Tang X, et al. Alcohol use severity and the neural correlates of the effects of sleep disturbance on sustained visual attention[J]. Journal of Psychiatric Research,2021, 142: 302-311. (JCR 1区,IF = 5.3)

[7] Li G, Chen Y, Wang W, et al. Sex Differences in Neural Responses to the Perception of Social Interactions[J]. Frontiers in human neuroscience,2020, 14: 565132-565132. (JCR 2区,IF = 3.5)

[8] Li G#, Han X#, Gao W, et al. Influence of EGR3 Transfection on Imaging and Behavior in Rats and Therapeutic Effect of Risperidone in Schizophrenia Model[J]. Frontiers in psychiatry,2020, 11: 00787-00787. (JCR 2区,IF = 5.4)

[9] Li G#, Chen Y#, Le T M, et al. Neural correlates of individual variation in two-back working memory and the relationship with fluid intelligence[J]. Scientific Reports,2021, 11 (1): 9980. (JCR 1区,IF = 4.4)

[10] Gao W#, Li G#, Han X, et al. Regional brain network and behavioral alterations in EGR3 gene transfected rat model of schizophrenia[J]. Brain Imaging and Behavior,2021. (JCR 2区,IF = 3.2)

[11] Li G, Zhang S, Le T M, et al. Neural Responses to Reward in a Gambling Task: Sex Differences and Individual Variation in Reward-Driven Impulsivity[J]. Cerebral cortex communications,2020, 1 (1): tgaa025-tgaa025. (新期刊,尚无IF)

[12] Li G, Du S, Niu J, et al. Identification of Binge Drinkers via Convolutional Neural Network and Support Vector Machine[C]. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA),2021: 715-720. (EI检索,IEEE国际会议)

[13] Li G, Zhang S, Yang L, et al. Influence of gestational age and time of day in baseline and heart rate variation of fetuses[J]. Technology and Health Care,2016, 24: S471-S476. (JCR 4区,IF = 1.2)

[14] Li G, Zhang S, Yang L, et al. Computerized analysis of acceleration parameter for the non-stress test normal and potentially abnormal fetuses[J]. Computer Assisted Surgery,2016, 21 (sup1): 1-5. (JCR 3区,IF = 2.4)

[15] Li G, Zhang S, Yang L, et al. Analysis of heart rate variation and foetal quiet sleep cycle correlation for normal and suspicious foetuses[J]. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment,2018, 32 (4): 988-992. (JCR 4区,IF = 1.8)

[16] Chen Y, Li G, Ide J S, et al. Sex differences in attention deficit hyperactivity symptom severity and functional connectivity of the dorsal striatum in young adults[J]. Neuroimage: Reports,2021, 1 (2): 100025. (新期刊,尚无IF)

[17] Zhang Z, Li G, Xu Y, et al. Application of Artificial Intelligence in the MRI Classification Task of Human Brain Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases: A Scoping Review[J]. Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland),2021, 11 (8): 1402. (JCR 2区,IF = 4.0)

[18] Zhang Q, Li G, Zhang S, et al. Analysis of Fetal Quiet Sleep Cycle and Extracting Features Based on Fetal Electrocardiogram[J]. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics,2018, 8: 5-8. (JCR 4区,IF = 0.7)

[19] Lu L, Li G, Song Z, et al. Hemodynamic response function (HRF) as a novel brain marker: Applications in subjective cognitive decline (SCD)[J]. Neuroscience Informatics,2022, 2 (3): 100093. (新期刊,尚无IF)

[20] Zhang Z, Li G, Niu J, et al. Identifying Biomarkers of Subjective Cognitive Decline Using Graph Convolutional Neural Network for fMRI Analysis[C]. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA),2022: 1306-1311. (EI检索,IEEE国际会议)

[21] Zhang Z, Li G, Song Z, et al. Relationship among number of close friends, subclinical geriatric depression, and subjective cognitive decline based on regional homogeneity of functional magnetic resonance imaging data[J]. Front Aging Neurosci,2022, 14: 978611. (JCR 1区,IF = 5.7)

[22] Zhou Y, Li G, Song Z, et al. Associations between Brain Microstructure and Phonological Processing Ability in Preschool Children[J]. Children (Basel),2022, 9 (6). (JCR 2区,IF = 2.8)

[23] Wang X, Chen X, Li G, et al. Application of Carbon Ion and Its Sensitizing Agent in Cancer Therapy: A Systematic Review[J]. Frontiers in oncology,2021, 11: 708724-708724. (JCR 2区,IF = 5.7)

[24] Li S, Zhao Y, Li G, et al. Computerized analysis of fetal heart rate pattern in the third trimester of low-risk pregnancy by long-range electronic fetal monitoring[J]. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine,2021: 1-7. (JCR 3区,IF = 2.3)






[1] 张珣, 李广飞. 等, 情绪检测设备、情绪检测系统、情绪检测方法、存储介质, 2021 (发明)

[2] 李广飞 等, 一种心电信号处理方法及装置, 2021 (发明)

[3] 张松, 李广飞. 等, 一种胎儿心率曲线基线的识别方法, 2018 (发明)

[4] 张松, 李广飞 等, 基于胎儿心率曲线的胎儿安静睡眠周期提取方法, 2018 (发明)

[5] 张珣, 李广飞. 等, 一种血液中总血红蛋白浓度的检测方法及装置, 2022 (发明)

[6] 张松, 李广飞. 等, 一种胎心监护加速特征参数的提取方法, 2017 (发明)