张丽娜 硕士生导师
2010.9-2015.7 清华大学 理学博士
2015.7-2017.6 北京工业大学 师资博士后
2016.7-至今 北京工业大学 讲师
1. 肿瘤相关基因的功能与调控
2. 细胞融合与肿瘤转移
3. 肿瘤表观遗传学
1. 生物化学
2. 干细胞生物学
3. 生物化学实验
1. 2018年度北京工业大学立德树人优秀班主任
2. 北京工业大学第十三届青年教师教学基本功比赛优秀奖
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022/01-2025/12,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金,2018/01-2020/12,主持
3. 北京市自然科学基金面上项目,2020/01-2022/12,主持
1. Li-Na Zhang*, Di-Di Zhang, Lei Yang, et al. Roles of cell fusion between mesenchymal stromal/stem cells and malignant cells in tumor growth and metastasis, The FEBS Journal, 2021, 288(5):1447-1456. (JCR 1区)
2. Li-Na Zhang*, Lei Zhao, Xin-Long Yan, et al. Loss of G3BP1 suppresses proliferation, migration, and invasion of esophageal cancer cells via Wnt/β-catenin and PI3K/AKT signaling pathways. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2019, 234(11): 20469-20484. (JCR 1区)
3. Li-Na Zhang*, Ying-Hui Huang, Lei Zhao. Fusion of macrophages promotes breast cancer cell proliferation, migration and invasion through activating epithelial-mesenchymal transition and Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2019, 676: 108137. (JCR 2区)
4. Li-Na Zhang, Chen-Fei Kong, Dan Zhao, et al. Fusion with mesenchymal stem cells differentially affects tumorigenic and metastatic abilities of lung cancer cells. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2019, 234(4): 3570-3582. (JCR 1区)
5. Li-Na Zhang, Yong-Bin Yan*. Depletion of poly(A)-specific ribonuclease (PARN) inhibits proliferation of human gastric cancer cells by blocking cell cycle progression. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Cell Research, 2015, 1853(2): 522-534. (JCR 1区)